Holistic Help
The latest natural products research & health insights
Why Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is so Powerful!
Imagine for a few seconds a desolate, stony arid landscape... Often very hot, sometimes very cold... The terrain of dust & despair... What can grow...
10 Reasons Liquids Are Better than Pills & Powders for Immune Support
We prefer liquids for immune support because your body does too. In fact, there is no disputing the evidence and here is why: 1. Our...
How to Help Avoid Getting Lip Sores?
As anyone who is prone to lip sores knows, unfortunately once you've had one they become a friend for life… The type of friend that's...
Manuka Magic (Leptospermum scoparium)
Polynesians of the Pacific quickly discovered the magic of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) when they arrived in Aotearoa New Zealand about a century ago. Maori medicine uses...
UMF - The mark of high grade Manuka Honey
The world's most adulterated foods are milk, olive oil and honey... Fortunately the New Zealand government specifically certifies the Manuka Honey that we use and can be...
What is Self Heal (Prunella vulgaris)?
Ancient Wisdom, Everyday Applications Self Heal (or Heal All) is the Prunella vulgaris herb, a treasured but largely forgotten member of the mint family that grows wild in...
What Goes in, What Goes On - For the Skin & Within
What goes on our skin can also go in our body - an amazing synergy.
The Origins of Bio-First - Mother Nature, Mother Love
Nature is within us and all around us. Learn more about Jude's explorations of this concept throughout her life.