Thyme  (Thymus vulgaris)

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Posted by Bio-First Team on

Taking your Thyme…

…is a great idea, both the herb and the time – or the two together. Take time out with a cup of freshly picked Thyme tea! 

Most likely you already use it in cooking, but Thyme is also used as flavouring, for food preservation, in cosmetics and medicines. 

Its rich diversity of phytochemicals accounts for major health benefits, with the European Medicines Agency recognising it as a traditional remedy for chesty coughs. 

Loaded with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, Thyme is a notable anti-inflammatory. 

This tiny yet powerful herb reduces oxidative stress and supports the immune response. 

Overall it offers a wide range of functional benefits in food, nutraceuticals and supplements. 

Bio-First uses a special custom-made Thyme extract, free of alcohol and sugar. 

When paired with Aniseed, there are proven super synergies. 

To summarise:

  • Recognised herbal medicine for coughs
  • Supports cell mediated immune response
  • Safe and suitable for the family
  • Long used as a natural antimicrobial
  • Versatile herb for cooking and healing


In our opinion, ‘the Thyme is always right’!



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